Wednesday 23 February 2011

The In-Between

Our last IUI was in December 2010.  It's now the end of February and we are "in-between" treatments.  Waiting...and waiting...and waiting...I'm usually in control of every aspect of my life...I have everything planned out, married at 26, 4 bedroom home in the subburbs, and pregnant at 28...well, unfortunately I have no control over when our little embryo decides to implant and become our precious Sweet Pea.

So the in-between has given us the chance to regroup as a couple and take some much needed time off from all the apt's (oh SO SO many apts!). And that's just for IUI, I can't imagine how much more there is for IVF.  Therefore we are enjoying the time apts, pills, and injections free.

In the meantime, We have a good 3 months before we actually start the IVF cycle.  During these 3 months, I have decided to "relax".  Easier said than done.  Obviously it's always going to be on my mind, nothing will change that, but I was determined to enjoy this time with my DH and do things for myself, like get massages, do hot yoga and better myself and my body in any way I had control over.

During this 3 month period before IVF, I am excersing regularly (not overdoing it or trying to loose weight), eating non-processed and organic foods that are healthy for my body, doing acupuncture and seeing a psychologist.  No I'm not depressed, nor crazy (although all the medications can make you a little crazy), I just want to be a step ahead of this crazy "unexplained" journey I'm on.

So there you have it, in-between treatments I'm doing everything possible for my well-being and future Sweet Pea's health, something I have control over.

Step 2 - On my way to improving my fertility naturally - Mission in-process

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