Sunday 1 May 2011

We Made It This Far!

What a crazy emotional rollercoaster ride these last few days have been!  I'll start from where I left off. 

Day 2-9 stimmimg was totally great.  Injections all went well, painless and hassle free.  Dr. says we have 6 follicles, not what I hoped for, but we just needed one after all.

Day 9 - HCG trigger shot!  Dr. says we are ready to go, so here go!

Day 11 - ER day!  It went supper well.  I didn't feel much pain, they gave me the iv and some pain meds and was just supper happy to get on with it.  Afterwards, the dr. said I would need to rest, but I felt so fine we went for lunch.  I was hungry since having to fast the night before.  I came home to rest and found myself restless and super bored. 

Day 12 - The dreaded call.  The embryologist called to give the news that NO eggs fertilized.  I was devasted.  I couldn't believe what she was telling me.  My eggs were fine and his sperm was "fine" so why wouldn't any fertilize.  She couldn't give any more information, she just said that they were going to do an emergency rescue ICSI where they inject the sperm into the egg.  Great even now I stll have to force dh's little guys to do something.  It never ends.  We knew our chances of success would be low since they would have had to have done ICSI immediately and not 24 hours later.  I basically lost all hope of this round working.  I threw in the towel and gave myself a pitty party.  Dh came home from work cause he couldn't concentrate.  It was nice to have him by my side.

Day 13 - So I didn't sleep at all last night.  I was waiting for the dreaded call that still no eggs fertilized.  I was preparing my thinking for the next steps and how to handle the news.  The phone rang, I answered all depressed and low and behold the nurse called to say that 4 out of 5 eggs fertilzed!  I couldn't stop shaking.  I was SO relieved.  Like father like sperm, they just needed a little forcing and I always get my way in the end. 

Day 14 - ET day!  I can't believe we made it this far!  Just to know that all 4 survived and are good quality was amazing.  We transfered one, although I wanted 2, but it only takes one, so here's hoping it takes.  We got to see our embryo on the screen, I mean how many people can say they saw the making of their little one, literrally.  We froze the other 3.  We are caustiously optimistic as we understand the chances of success are lower for us know that we did the rescue ICSI, but to finally get an answer as to why all this time after so many IUIs, injections, medications, and the whole time his sperm just needed an extra push (force) in the right direction.  That was actually nice to hear instead of always being "unexplained". 

So now, we just wait and see. 

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