Wednesday 20 April 2011

Here we go...

The time has come and we are now starting our IVF cycle.  There's no turning back now.  My first ultrasound was yesterday (day 2 of my cycle).  Nurse said everything looks good to go and so we are moving full force ahead.  Wait a minute...they changed my protocol...they said one of my medications I'm supposed to take is no longer on the market and therefor we are changing medications.  I thought "ok, no big deal, who really cares what medication I'm taking as long as it works right".  Wrong.  Changing protocols meant starting with the birth control pill!  What?  No way did I cancel a trip to Florida with my family for Easter to stay in town to take the birth control pill!?  Wait a minute...I told the nurse I'd be right back, went to the pharmacist praying the whole way there and to my luck they had some left in stock!  Oh THANK GOD!  They gave me the remainder they had and I went back to the nurse with conviction and proudly said that i'm starting TODAY!  So here we go...

My first 2 injections last night were a success.  My DH was such a great help in mixing the luveris.  That one is new to me and made me a little nervous.  What did people do back then without youtube?  They had a luveris injection video that I watched...and watched...and rewatched until I got it downpacked. 

No side effects yet.  I'm sure if you asked DH he'd say otherwise, but he's been such a great sport and I'm so lucky to have him!

Next ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday.  The ball is really rolling now and everything seems to be moving quickly.  So far, I'm excited.  Ask me after a few more meds and I might say otherwise.

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